
connect4communities is a new initiative developed by Hampshire County Council in collaboration with partners across the county.

It was created after a comprehensive new plan to help families was announced - with significant funding - from the Department for Work and Pensions in November 2020.

The purpose of this programme is to support vulnerable families during the winter as the coronavirus pandemic continues and help ensure children and young people do not go hungry or without essential items. This includes:

  • £170m Covid Winter Grant Scheme to support children, families and the most vulnerable over winter including February 2021 half-term
  • Holiday Activities and Food programme to be expanded, covering Easter, Summer and Christmas in 2021
  • Healthy Start payments set to rise from £3.10 to £4.25 a week from April 2021

Hampshire County Council’s share of the COVID Winter Grant is £2.898 million. Local authorities must spend the funding between December 2020 and 31 March 2021.

Hampshire County Council has worked rapidly with partners, including representatives from the voluntary and charitable sector, Adults’ Health and Care, Local Children’s Partnerships, the Supporting Families Programme, Schools, Collegs, Children’s Social Care, Early Years and Childcare providers, catering and supplies teams, and communications to develop and deliver a broad offer, to be known as the ‘connect4communities’ programme. 

Key elements include a Discretionary Schools Grant for schools to administer to support vulnerable children & families and a Holiday Playscheme (incorporating meal) for February half term AND Free School Meal Vouchers for Christmas Holidays 2020 & Feb half term 2021

More details on that are as follows ...

  • Funding is being paid directly to childcare and Early Years providers, schools and colleges for them to purchase sufficient vouchers for children and young people whose families are eligible for a free voucher.
  • Each eligible child or young person will receive a £15 voucher per week so, depending on the number of eligible children and young people in a family, that family may receive more than one voucher per week.

In terms of eligibility, the vouchers will be given to: 

  • All families whose children are eligible for free school meals (FSM) 
  • Children being supported by a social worker 
  • Children receiving early help services from the County Council’s Family Support Service  
  • 2-4 year olds accessing childcare and eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium, or   
  • 16-18 year olds who were previously eligible for free school meals. 

Winchester & Chandler's Ford MP, Steve Brine, says; "The Covid Winter Grant Scheme allows Hampshire County Council, working with Winchester City Council and Eastleigh Borough Council, to directly help the hardest-hit families and individuals in my constituency, as well as provide food for children who need it over the holidays.

"Crucially, and I raised this in the House when it was unveiled, it will not be confined to families with school-aged children. Our local councils understand which groups need support, and are best placed to ensure appropriate holiday support is provided – which is why they will distribute the funds, rather than schools, who will continue providing meals for disadvantaged children during term-time.

"When an undignified political row erupted around October half-term last year, I said Ministers need to come up with a comprehensive set of proposals and quietly set about engaging with local families in receipt of free school meals so I could feed into the policy making process. I heard from very many people outraged on their behalf last year but needed to hear from those actually needing this help so it was an extremely worthwhile exercise and I thank everyone who responded to me.

"connect4families is a scheme designed locally to help the families in our area who most in need. I am discussing its roll-out with Hampshire County Council and will continue to do so.

"Ministers subsequently came up with that comprehensive set of proposals, in the form of the Covid Winter Grant Scheme, but I fully agree with those who say we need a long-term plan for bridging the gap between this kind of support in term time and holiday time. As a country we need to decide if we want to do that, remembering no Government of either colour has before, and look to other parts of the world (including the USA) where that does happen.

"Finally, I hope we can move on from the ugly partisan point-scoring that so poisoned this issue last year. Opposition parties need to act responsibly and so do the media whatever their agenda because headlines that scream no support is in place and children are being left to go hungry do nothing but hurt some of the most vulnerable families in our society. It scares people and it makes them less likely to feel there is help available which there clearly is through this scheme. I hope people, including those posting on local social media sites and writing letters to the local paper, will take that seriously and work with us to help families."

Commenting on the Labour Opposition Day in Parliament on Monday 18th January, Steve said; "I will not be voting for any Opposition motion that seeks to divide people and mislead some of the most vulnerable families in our country. I will be listening to the debate - and taking part where possible - on behalf of my constituents across Winchester and Chandler's Ford."

More information ...

MP welcomes comprehensive plan for families

Find full details of Hampshire's connect4families programme